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In 2024, cryptocurrency isn't just digital money; it's a versatile tool. Think of it like super secure online cash that isn't controlled by any government. People use it in various ways—they invest in it like stocks, buy stuff online or even in stores, send money across borders quickly and with low fees, and even exchange money directly with friends or anyone they know. Plus, it's playing a role in exciting new technologies, like digital art or games! Some popular ones, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, are seen as stable investments because of their reliability.
How are we going to collect Crypto Currency using Pokemon GO?
Ever dreamed of getting paid while catching Pokémon?
Get ready, because that's exactly what we're up to!
We've got an ace up our sleeves: Sweatcoin—an app that rewards you with cryptocurrency just for walking.
Picture this: capturing Pokémon and earning crypto simultaneously! And the best part? ALL FOR FREE!!
Join us on this thrilling adventure where Pokémon GO meets Sweatcoin, making every step a rewarding stride towards both fun and earnings!
If you understand how this works or wish to start before the event starts, feel free to follow these 4 easy steps.
Download Pokemon Go
This is the game to catch and play Pokemon GO.
Type In This Referral Code
Sig-up for Sweatcoin App
You need this to count your steps to get the Sweat (SWT)
Download Sweatcoin Wallet
This is where you will keep your digital coins.
M.E.E™ does not own any of the Apps or trademarks such as Pokemon Go©️ , SweatCoin©️, or SweatWallet©️
We are simply using these platforms as a means to come together and have fun.
2016 All Rights Reserved | Meta Enviormental Exchange / Founded by The Equilites